Green Twining: Sometimes, love needs a little untangling...
Following an unfortunate incident 90 years earlier, life at Green Twining Farm seems terminally blighted. But, by the summer of 1985, Joe – the farmer’s son – has secretly fallen in love with David, his handsome work friend at the town hall. And Joe wonders if David feels the same way about him. Then – when Tim, Joe’s former musical friend, reappears after a long absence, with a surprising proposal – hidden cogs begin to turn, transforming the lives of Joe, David, and everyone who lives in Green Twining.
Green Twining is work of LGBT Fiction which also explores the themes of neurodiversity and the emotional effects of childhood trauma. It is set on the Lincolnshire Marsh at the time of the Aids Crisis and the resulting rise in homophobia, especially in the media. However, this is a positive, celebratory novel in which love triumphs over adversity.
The main locations in the novel are loosely based on Grimsby, Louth and a farm on the edge of the Marsh. The main characters are musicians and the story traces their musical and romantic journeys as they form musical relationships and practice together in preparation for a late summer local folk festival. At the same time, the old ways of life in the area are under threat or are transforming, as small farms become uneconomical and are amalgamated, and the local industries are gradually replaced with new ones or just left to collapse.
This is a novel about positive transformation and the power of love and friendship to bring that transformation about.